Organizational coaching not only enhances leadership and communication skills, it also provides a valuable outside perspective for executives, managers and supervisors. An experienced coach guides an organization’s leaders through a process that helps them clarify and establish goals and objectives, and work... read more →
What is Emotional Intelligence? Before divulging the three impacts, let me first present a simple and generally accepted model of EI. The model starts in the lower left, quadrant #1 in the diagram below, and says we must first understand ourselves, if we are to be successful managing ourselves, which... read more →
What would having a solid and proven means to motivate those around you… do for you? Would you use a formula that motivated those you work with or train, if it resulted in that person learning better, practicing what they learned, and applying it on the job? What about you?... read more →
What if your management, supervisors, and staff were suddenly to become more resilient, develop an increased capacity to manage stress, be more attentive, have more productive interchanges with their colleagues, and were generally happier people? Organizations around the nation are already adopting programs aimed at accomplishing this amazing transformation. Who... read more →
I know what you might be thinking, “I don’t even know where to begin with Twitter.” I understand where you are coming from. I was of the same mindset when I decided to join Twitter in May 2009. However, there is a wealth of knowledge, resources, and great people around... read more →
Today Bruce Winner writes about an extraordinary method for trainers, developers, and training managers to use, in order to experiment their way to greater results and success. This method, pioneered in the Silicon Valley, is changing the way that organizations innovate. Public and private sector organizations spend thousands of dollars... read more →
Training Methods that Work: It's Science Training and development professionals no longer need to guess which training methods are the most effective. In many, if not most cases, the empirical evidence has been collected to show the effectiveness of techniques in assessment, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. There is validated... read more →
Would You Like to Be More Successful in 2017? If you would like more success this year, an easy and simple method exists to achieve it. The method is quite simply to give more! Now this may seem a bit counterintuitive at first glance; to get more, you should give... read more →